Hey guys !
Guess what?! I started school this monday. It's been pretty good so far, I can't complain about my class at all except that I haven't like really really bonden with anyone yet. But I meen it takes a few days (right?). As some of you allready know I started International Highschool of the Gothenburg Region where I'll be studying Social Science and hopefully economics next year. It's taking a toll on me just to get used to the change like for examlpe having to take the buss to school everyday?! I'm allready sick of it after three days.

(Random bild) Jag och Charlotta uppe i en strålkastare , fullt friska!
Har man tråkigt så har man?
But better get to bed now, Ninas coming by at half past seven to straighten her hair -.- , I really don't have to get up until 8, the things you do for your friends right?
Guess what?! I started school this monday. It's been pretty good so far, I can't complain about my class at all except that I haven't like really really bonden with anyone yet. But I meen it takes a few days (right?). As some of you allready know I started International Highschool of the Gothenburg Region where I'll be studying Social Science and hopefully economics next year. It's taking a toll on me just to get used to the change like for examlpe having to take the buss to school everyday?! I'm allready sick of it after three days.

(Random bild) Jag och Charlotta uppe i en strålkastare , fullt friska!
Har man tråkigt så har man?
But better get to bed now, Ninas coming by at half past seven to straighten her hair -.- , I really don't have to get up until 8, the things you do for your friends right?