Great day ! Started with getting up a little late but that ws no problem since I had decided not to wear any make-up to school today. Which I got some coments on from some guys that don't think girls look fresh without make-up? That makes me flip out, because that's the freshest a girl can look! Anyway my teacher for my second lesson was still sick so we didn't have any swedish, after the swedish lesson we had P.E. and since I still have a cold I was not going to participate. That gave me three free hours of no lessons and on top of that we didn't have a teacher for spannish. So I had four free hours. So did Sandra and Maria so we decises to go home to Sandra and eat lunch and just chill for a while. So we did that it was really nice. When we got back to school i had home economics. We made soop and bread. Me and Jennifer went completley crazy and put like everything in it, it was so much fun. And it turned out pretty good actually! Our teacher thought it was a little spicey but I liked it. But Jennifer had put a little too much yeast in the bread because she wanted to make them bigger but it just made them taste like a lot of yeast! After school I went against my beliefs and went to the tanning salong that just opened with Sandra. When we were done I had to hurry home take a shower and hurry into town where I met my mom at a fabricstore. We bought fabrics for my ballgown :). We decided on a babypink polyester and a white chiffong. I think it's going to look great.

