Hey y'all

I got home from stockholm last night, I was so tired that I didn't even put up a tiny post. But I'm going to try to update you guys as good as I can.

Stockholm was great! I got up at 5 A.M. friday morning got myself ready and finished the packing that I hadn't finished the night before. Nina came and picked me up at 7, so had had plenty of time to get ready and I was ready for Stockholm. We arrived in Stockholm at about noon. We went to visit one of Nina's family friend that works at RIX FM (a radio station), so we got to see the studio and listen to her live and everything it was really cool! Then it turned out that Knappen and Hakim who have a moning show on NRJ worked on the same floor so we got to meet them, that was even cooler, haha ! It was also really awkward and embarrassing since they had done there famous wake up call on both of us, they all laughed like crazy when they found out. Unfortunately no one thought of taking any pictures while we were there so I don't have any.

After that embarrassment we went to Gamla Stan (Old Town) we walked around there for a while, counting all the souvenir shops, we lost count after like 15 there were so many! Then we got into like kind of main town and started looking at clothes and all sorts of stuff. We ate some Chinese and checked into the hotel got ourselves ready, goofed around like idiots. And then is was off to Hovet ! It was freakin cold but we were so excited that we didn't care much. We met a lot of different people. But then after about an hour and a half we were inside and we had found out seats. Crossfire played for awhile, but then we had to wait another 45 minutes for Chris to come on. When he did everyone went crazy and it was all just so amazing!!! We barely slept anything that night, and it was breakfast at 8. So we got up ate breakfast, went back to bed and watched some TV. But later we realized we needed to get ready so we put some make-up on and hit the town once again, did some shopping and ate Indian food. After lunch we just jumped into the car and drove home to Gothenburg. It was a long ride, not very comfortable and I couldn't sleep. And to top it off when we were about an hour from Gothenburg a buss had hit a moose! So it took some to get passed that. But after that it was all fine and smooth.

Getting ready..

Ready to go !

The man of the night!

Turned out to be a late night with a bunch of girl talk :)!

Today I woke up at 2 P.M. , I think I needed to sleep a bit, haha! Especially since somebody kept me awake until 4.30 A.M.. Haven't done anything worth mentioning today. But we'll see I might throw in another post later into the in evening.


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