Monday = Back to school !
Hectic day today but still a great one !
I started school today once again, was looking forward to see everyone again :) Overslept though.... I'm still pretty jetlagged. I still got to school on time , on the minute ! Then I was told we didn't have english , greeeeat I was in schoool an hour and a half early ! So we just chilled out in the sun which was nice :) The rest of the day flowed on like it usually does, afterwards Linda and I went to get a "fika" at Espresso House (ofcourse) to catch up, met her brother aswell. That was kind of intresting (hehe) ! Finally home all I had time to do was take a quick bite to eat, change and then I was off to dance ! Now I'm tired but feelin' goooood.

Outfit of the day ! Gorgeous, hehe
Jeans: way to old for me to remember !
Piké: Fred Perry
Jumper: The GAP
Hand bag: somewhere in London close to Harrods....

Going to dance, it's freakin' hot in the studio !

My dinner, what the kitchen had to offer , and as far as I go when
it comes to cooking . . .