Plural !
Geeeeez when did I update this much in one day last? No clue , haha anyways just got out of the shower and my whole body feels like a babies but ! Hehe, my hair too actually I used this extra strong conditioner which my hair has been in huge need of after the florida sun!

For those that didn't know I had my birthday while I was there, but it didn't feel like it haha. That's also why grandma left the money :) I haven't really celebrated my birthday, I mean I got cash to spend in florida but I haven't seen my family and friends which feels kind of weird. I was in town the other day and I saw a birthday cake and I said to Linda "ooooooh I want that cake for my birthday" and she was like "in eleven months?". That was when I realized that my birthday was over , hahah, sad but true. There's always a next year, then weäre talking PARTY !

Clinique instant facial and moisture surge does wonders to your face !