After getting some breakfast, coffee and daily news into my stomach I'm feeling much better, perkier and up to beat. I finished my economy assignment a while ago after that picked up some clothes in my room.

For the last hour I've been working super hard in the kitchen, I've made brownies from scratch ladies and gentlemen ! This might not be a big deal for some of you but for me it is, I haven't done it in years and back when I did it they never turned out the same or really any good. But I a have a really good feeling about this one ! :)

The worst part about baking is cleaning up after wards. . .

I wanted to be like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City so
I did my baking in these killers. (joke) but I did wear them, mostly
since there fucking uncomfortable so I'm trying to make my feet get used
to them. What better way than paralyzing them?
I'm going to hit the bath now I think :)