damn it
Ok, now I'm just bored... I don't know what to do, just think if I could be like most girls who can just pluck their eyebrows when ever they've got nothing to do. But if I pluck my eyebrows they disappear. . . It's good to the fact that don't have to pluck them once a week or how ever often you do it, but the boring part about it is that I'm stuck with the shape I have (in my header picture my eyebrows are filled in with a pencil). I can't do my nails either since they're brand new. My feet, let's just say dancers feet, there's not much you can do with them. . . I hope you're enjoying reading about my huge problems.
It feels a little too early to go to bed as well, especially since I'm kind of expecting a call so I can't go to bed just yet. . .

Old picture