I didn't have time to update before I went to school today since I missed counted the buss time, at least I didn't miss it :) So here's it is.

I'm getting kind of tired of the weather now, the fall is coming waaay too fast! Today we had the first "real" school day, but also the most boring lessons, Swedish and science, YUUUCK! I think I'll get a bite to eat now, I'm pretty tired my body still isn't used to school. I got some homework today so I might do that later on. I'll update later and try to come up with something fun! :)
Postat av: Anonym
två frågor, vad jobbar du med och vilken skola går du på :)?
Postat av: ;)
Porrigt Kajsa ;)
Postat av: Nabil El Alaoui Sossey
Well, hello there.
Postat av: Anonym
i love your gummiskor /mona