Suck it !
Wow what to write in this post. . .
I got some pictures of Jorges tatoo today, shame he couldn't finish but just imagine it really colorfull!

I think it looks really good especially when imagining all the colors in it, I also love the placing of it, for those that can't see it it's on his upper thigh.
This is pretty much what it's going to look like eventually

Other things in my head right now:
I'm thinking of doing something with my hair I don't know what though. . . any suggestions? (no I'm not shaving it all off Emma and Linda)
Oooooh I want to go the Edinburgh noooow !

Old picture from Edinburgh, Alasdair and me, good times! and some serious roof hang!
What am I doing after high school? Am I go straight the university or am I going to do something else in between? In a way I just want to get it all done as fast as possible and get an other job, it's not like I'm planning to work in a restaurant all my life.
Woow there are three holes in these socks I'm wearing . . .
How old will I be when I die?
Why are bald men almost always bald on the top of their head?
Is facebook going to take over the world like people are saying?
What am I going to be for Halloween this year?

Me and my girls a couple of years ago, i was a pirate and last year I was
a ladybug at work :)
Time to sleep , peace out,