What you probably don't know about me
¤ I stopped counting how many pairs of shoes I own last year when I reached 45, so it's somewhere above there, and I have about 10 pairs
that have never been used!

What girl would say no to Paula Abdul's walk in shoe closet? I
wouldn't! And I think we're the same size :)
¤ My shoe size is 36, I can sometimes shop in the children department :)
¤ My full name is Kajsa Ingrid Charlotta Hellman
¤ I used to compete in swimming, but got injured a few years back and had to have surgery. I haven't been able to recover completely
¤ My life long dream has always been to become a singer, as long as I can remember. I'm starting to realize now that I don't think it's going to work out.
¤ I'm terrified of the dentist, I always go to my appointments but then I havent't slept or relaxed for like a week.

Who'd want that job?
¤ I always sleep hugging something, a teddy bear preferably ;)
¤ I want to sail across the Atlantic Ocean before I'm 25
¤ I want to have a baby before I'm 25 as well

I want a bump like that !
¤ There are two words that I try never to use ; perfect and hate (perfect I never use to describe anything, hate might have slipped out of my mouth once or twice)
¤ I read at least 12 different blogs every day
¤ I've sailed to the Shetland Isles and spent 3 weeks there (way to long) now tell me do you even know where that is?

This is about as much of excitement you get in the Shetland Isles
I don't know why you'd be interested in all this, but it seems like you still read it ;)
(I'm feeling better once again)