Christmas Wish List !

For the last couple of hours I've been trying to make a Christmas wishlist, it's really hard! There's basically only one thing I want/need which is a new phone, since my screenlock doesn't work on the one I have right now. I've called all kinds of people, spent loads of cash on facebook and other really unnecessary things because of it! Maybe I can get a phone where I can update the blog better than now ;)

Anyways the list consists more of things I need than want, well I'm not going going to lie I want them as well. . .  but the things on the list are things like a new phone, a visit to the hairdresser, new pair of pants for work, new pair of boots since the ones I have now are not taking the snow very well, a new winter jacket that takes heavy snowfall, the one I have now I've had for 3 years....

Now time to do something intelligent !

Here's some pictures from Christmas 2 years ago:

Just any regular Christmas in the Hellman household

What's hiding in the Christmas tree?

I had some really nice locks!


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