Tiredness taking the control
Hey everyone, I thought I'd update before I fall in some deep, well needed sleep!

Damn what a day it's been, we had to hand in our posters for the big project we're presenting tomrrow by 1.30 A.M. today. We were done in time, on the minute. Anyways after that our next class started at 2, so Linda and I had to run to the restaurant and eat and then back again. In science which was our last class, we watched a documentary about In Vitro Fertilization, it was interesting I guess. Some babies were born, I cried a bit and the school was out and that was it.
Linda and I took the buss to a grocery store, to buy some ingredients for the food we have now made for tomorrows presentation. One thing I was supposed to buy was chicken breast fillets, but on all the bags it said either 80% or 90% chicken. Then my question is, What The F*ck is the remaining 10-20% ?!?! It all ended in me not buying any chicken. After that I hurried home threw some kebab down my throat and ran off to salsa.
By the time I got home I was a ice-cube since it's like -13 Celsius outside!?! SO I jumped in the shower And when I got out it was time to make Congri ! Congri is a Cuban bean and rice dish. I started chopping all the veggies and things need, after a while I started realizing what I'd gotten myself into, for f*cks sake I can't even make rice, (cook rice, boil rice?) It took me two freakin hours to finish. The worst thing is I don't think it tastes anything like what it's supposed to! At least it's something to give the greedy little suckers. . .
I just want to apologize on before hand to all Cubanos out there! (and I hope you don't come taste my food)
Now I'm in bed rocking the SnoopDog cornrows (best way for me to get fluffy hair) and struggling to keep my eyes open ! eeeek my hand still stink garlic. . . I'm never cooking again it's no joke! I'm not the chirpiest bird right now as you might have realized already. . .

I found this picture on google, when I typed in congri, and it kind of
looks like what I made. . . .

. . . see . . . but. . .

the only congri I've ever eaten looks like this. . . Like I said I'm never
cooking again! and Jorge not a word

This is my list of things to remember for the exhibition tomorrow. . .
Some things aren't on there I just remembered them now!
Excuse me if I'm only talking gibberish but I'm seriously lacking sleep and I'm not making it better for myself seeing as I have to get up at 5.30 A.M. tomorrow!
Good night!