World Culture Day !
Oh my Lord what an exhausting day it's been! I've been laying the couch pretty much paralyzed since I got home. Pictures are popping up and facebook constantly so for those of you that are friends with me feel free to watch them there. For those who are not friends with me, add me, Kajsa Hellman. It's as simple as that!

And foror those of you who don't know what I'm talking about at all inform you shortly. We've been working with a project called World Culture Day in school for almost two months, we got to pick a country and culture that we wanted to represent and later on then exhibit, which was done today! Linda and I we're Cuba :) We where one of the smallest groups, but I think we managed really well!
Here are a few pictures stolen from Linda on FB, hehe, just to give you an idea of it all :)

A small over-view of the place and a Bollywood performance

Linda and I did our best to represent :)

Litltle John was there for a bit as well

Viva La Cuba !