Just some randon shizzzz. . .

I have done absolutly nada of any importance today. I woke up at four to start with then I got up ate some cake from yesterday. Watched some movies, ordered home some kebab and then when back to bed which is where I'm at right now.

So I was watching this show about extremly gifted kids the other day and there was this two year old who had an IQ of 172 and was a member in mensa. This got me wondering how high my IQ was since a lot of people think I'm stupid and others extremly smart. I googled mensa IQ test and did the swedish version but when I was finnished it turned out that I had to pay 50kr to get the result, so I thought fuck that. . . Then I found something that said FREE iq test , so I clicked and did it. I got 141, my first reaction was "shit I'm so stupid, a two yearold has 30points higher IQ than me". But after that I googled
"average IQ for a 16 year old" and it showed 113 give or take ten points. I thought no way, THEN I saw that it only takes 140 to be a member of mensa?! This can't be right. . .

It dosen't say congratulations or anything. . .

Postat av: heeereee's johnnyy!!!

i think you are kind of stupid... ett IQ-test på internet kan inte ge ett exakt svar, ett riktigt iq-test måste vara i verkligeheten, och ta lite tid, ofta bevakat... du kan ju lika gärna ha gissat på hälften av frågorna? om man har tur på ett internet test kan man ju fan få 200 i iq.. plus att internet kan man manipulera, man kan ta sig in o röra runt hur lätt som helst... don't trust the internet honey

2010-01-04 @ 13:45:51

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