Do you believe it?
I'm up ! Well ok that's an exaggeration I'm awake but still in my bed. The sun is shining and I really just want to go to the beach but it'll have to wait until Sunday I guess.

My mouth hurts like a bitch this morning. I have some wisdom-teeth coming out so pretty much the whole back of my mouth is swollen. But it's nothing I can't think passed I hope :) because I have so much shit I have to get together today I simply have to think passed it!
Things I need to do today:
¤ 2 batches of laundry
¤ Bring the bag I'm packing everything in down from the attic
¤ Finnish packing all my clothes
¤ Start packing all the rest like shoes, cosmetics, chargers etc
¤ Shower and peel myself, all that. . .
¤ Paint my nails (I feel naked without them painted)
¤ Hem one of my dresses
¤ Pack a hand-luggage
¤ and I'm sure there are some things I forgot

Great my lips look swollen as well, well my stomach is yelling for some coffee,
and maybe something to eat