Morning rituals
I just finished throwing some clothes in the laundry. I've also done one of my lovely morning rituals which involves me making french-toast with loads of cheese and making the daily soduko.

I hate waiting for food

Just a healthy american breakfast ;)
I think I'm going to fix my nails now, Linda is coming over later and we're hopefully going to clean and go through my wardrobe and see what I want to give away and give to charity and things like that. I've seen things in there that still has their price-tag on.
I'll update later I guess,
Postat av: Cajsa - F O T O B L O G G
Hej du..
Skulle vara jätte roligt och jätte snällt av dig om du skulle vilja rösta på denna söta bild :)
skulle vara jätte gulligt av dig isåfall! :)
Du BEHÖVER inte säga att du har röstat, jag ser det. :)
Tack på förhand och har en jättebra dag nu då. :)
Postat av: A
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