another night
Hey everyone I'm finally home with some food in my stomach. Linda and I ended taking a cup of coffee at this great place called cappuccino they have a huge outside serving in the heart of Gothenburg which is perfect on a day with weather like this. After that we spontaneously went to see if there were any good movies premiering soon and The Killers premiered today so we went for it! It was a really decent movie actually and the fact that Ashton Kutcher is in it didn't make it worse.

Now that I'm home I'm starting to get headache I've had the same kind of headaches a few nights in row now, it's pretty weird. . . It could be the fact that I have so much shit on my mind but I don't know.
Oh yeah, by the way it's decided that I'm going with Linda to the Gran Canaries in July! I can't fucking wait! So July 17th-31st I'm gone :D two weeks of heaven !!!

Suck it !
And thank you Linda and random guy for making my day perfecto !
Postat av: Lisa
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