Coming at your mouth with your bla bla bla
Morgning mes anges

Yes I wake up pretty late at weekends. Especially when I've worked the night before, for those who don't know I work at the Hard Rock Cafe in Gothenburg. Yesterday was so mch fun, I got to do a little bit of everything, the part of where all of us waitresses danced on the bar to YMCA was probably the most fun part :) ! (it's tradition at Hard Rock Cafe)
Well anyways now I'm up and just had my morning coffee, I'm going to get ready and meet Nina in town. Maybe do some Greece shopping ! and definatly planning , only three weeks left ! :D (iiiiiiiihhhhh) hahaha.

Yesterdays outfit, since I'm not wearing anything yet, hehe
Shit my boss just called and I'm working at three today !