Copy cat , Copy cat , come out , come out where ever you are !
Today I have become an even stronger beleiver of Karma. Before gym class today I saw this old woman almost falling when she was walking down a really steep hill so I helped her down by holding her arm. And then on my way home from Espresso House I was running to the tram and this random guy holds the door open for me so that it won't leave and he wasn't even getting on it! Without that dude I would have missed it, so thank you dude. That's what I call KARMA ! either it was that or the fact that my panties where almost showing because my dress was gliding up when I was running, hahaha. Without that dude I would have missed it, so thank you dude.

But anywaaays I've been studying and writing my essay since I got home and I'm pretty sure I know almost everything about Judaism know , just ask me anything ! My brain is full, I can't think no more !

I'm starting to get a headache as well !