En la casa
Hey everyone, I'm finally home. I've been out helping my dear parents with the boat all day. It's been sunny but windy but the boat is finally ready to sail :) ! Which we're going to do this weekend, it's going to be a long weekend and we might even be going to Denmark. Linda's coming with me aswell :) Anyways being out in the boat always gives me time to think about things some more serious, others not. Here are a few things:

¤ Anorexia really is a disease and not a state of mind
¤ If I die tomorrow I've still done a lot of things
¤ People look much fatter from above (I was up in the mast fixing some stuff)
¤ Corn is really not my thing
¤ Native Americans have such beautiful hair (ALL OF THEM!)
¤ I'm really not attracted to "clean & gorgeous" guys.....

Seemed like the boatyard guys had never seen a chic in those kind of
work pants before, personally I think I look like shit...