Hey y'all, sorry for not updating yesterday but I woke up 15 minutes before my buss left so all I had time for was put some clothes on and make my coffee and then I was off to.

After school, which didn't end until 16.30, I went home to Linda's place and ate some dinner. After that I was just too lazy to get my ass off the couch and go home so I spent the night there. Had a natonall exam in math today felt like it went really well, but we'll see :)
All we did in school was the test so after that Linda and I went to "Kungsparken" and chilled in the sun and studied some spannish :) Now I'm finally home and shit-ass tired for some reason so I think I'm going to take a nap !

Philip, me and John outside school the other day :)

Moi right now