G R E A T day !
Best day in a very long time ! I'll give it to you in pictures :)

Linda wanted the camera really bad !

So she could take gorgeous colse ups like these ....

My breakfast smoothie on the tram

We had no teacher in relgion so it looked like this the first 20 minutes
of the class

and then , txty txt . . .

10 minutes later (Lindas cool converse)

Last 45 minutes of the class !
After the religion class a.k.a the tanning session ( the weather has been f*cking amazing! ) we went to go grab a bite to eat. After school I met up with Eddie and we took a "fika" after that we did some shopping and then went to his place. I chilled there for a while and watched some How I Met Your Mother, it never gets old ! Around eight he drove me home and now I've done some spannish homework, I'm waiting to get some help with the rest :)

Eddies brother hung this beautiful piece of art work in the car... !