Je ne se pas
Hey y'all I've had a very calm but stressfull day I haven't done too much I guess, but I've had a hell of a lot of shit on my mind ! damn , tension headache almost all day.

Right now I'm in bed about to try to finnish my swedish short story.... nada motivation , nada creativity , nada strength to do shit like that & and in swedish? come on.... ! it doesn't get worse than that in my case. The thing is when I write things in swedish (since I'm so used to writing in english) it comes out like it's been through a translating machine from swedish to english , my swedish teacher has even said it to me. I write in english but in swedish (?) Okay I don't know if you get it , but it's really frustrating ! Let's just leave it at that.....
I'm sitting here in bed with cornrails in my hair, since I need to have BIG hair tomorrow at my dance residle. I'm going to sleep with them and tease the hair til it's huge enough tomorrow :) I'll hopefully take som awesome photos with the hair and the make-up all together :)

Since I aint going to let you see me with cornrails here's a picture of one
of my favorite T-shirts, it's the perfect "I don't know what to wear" top :)
It's bought in Stockholm in a little store called Colorez, but I think they have
a web shop as well though :)