It's getting worn out. . .
I know I've been a terrible worker bla bla bla. . . I just got home from work I was barely home between school and work either. We had some seriously questionable guests today, but the staff was all in a good mood! Some compliments really made my day and helped me smile towards the customers, thank you!

Yesterday (thursday) Linda and I got a bunch done on our economy project, we're really close now! It's to be handed in on monday. We have about another page to write and fix the layout and such. We also went to a University fair , it was really interesting and intriguing. Found a few interesting ones, one two year MBA (Master of Buisness Adminstration) course in central London and one 4 year course here in Sweden (in english) where you study political economy isssues and how they effect each other and such. I really like both of them. . . . Lucky I have some time to think about it ! One thing I'm almost sure I want to do when I graduate is become a bartender I can probably train at work which is perfect! It's such a good job since you work while studying !

Okay I really need to get some sleep now! Tomorrow I'll be studying like a smart person and working at night, I'll probably update sometime. . . Sunday me an my sister are going Spa-ing, some sister bonding time !
Good night my little angels,