Makes mama proud !
Hey todas las personas !

I've had a busy day as I can guess you've realized by this time. I'll tell you a bit about it. Went to school, nothing special really happend more than I got to hand in my history essay which felt great!, I must say. After school me and Linda went for a second lunch since the food that we got in the restaurant in school wasn't that great, haha, and I knew we didn't have anything at home. So well when I got home I only had tome to get changed and get my thing and then run to salsa.
When I got home Dad just got home from grocery shopping. He had bought two buckets of Ben&Jerry's! :D I asked what the occasion was and he said he had gotten promoted, woooohooo!! He is now manager of all employees in Sweden, pretty damn cool if you ask me :) ( He works for a Norweigan crew-ship/cargo boat companpy, he's an engineer...) well so we had some Ben&Jerry's and watched a movie. Tomorrow daddio is going to meet all the other bosses and stuff, I'm such a proud mama(daughter).
Now I'm going to get a some sleep since I'm feeling a fever creeping up on me I've already taken all the pills I can but it's always like this when the work load in school eases off. . .
It's not going to get me down :)

Good night everyone,