Monday, no school , feeeeels good !
I was just woken up by a stressed little sweetheart who thought I had school today, I'd asked him to wake me up around 10 since I thought that was a good time to get up so I didn't sleep away the whole day. But no sir I did not wake up from any of the 8 texts, finally when he called (against the rules) I woke up but it was fine since I'd started waking up a bit by myself. If that call would have been what woke me up, oooh it would have been like waking el diablo !

Well well now I'm up and awake still sitting in bed though, my excuse for only updating once yesterday is pure laziness and when I tried late at night the internet was not working.
The plans for today are ambiguous, but some time before wednesday I need to go into to town to pick up my train tickets, buy a little something something and something else ;) for when I leave to Stockholm on thursday! I'm going to try to bring my own laptop and internet but we'll see how that works out !
One thing I know I'll be doing today is have a long waarm steam shower ! Since they weather is just gray gray gray ! This makes me miss Florida, it's the best season of the year over there right now !:(

I wasn't the happiest chica that day , but still happy to be there

Beautiful coastline

At Hollywood Beach