Promises are to be kept.
I promised my number one reader today a long post so we'll see how long this one turns out out. . .

Today started with me not waking up in time as you probably already know. Then I went to the loo and realized I had visitor, "GREAT" was my thought. I went back to bed and tried to go back to sleep for more than an hour, since my next class wasn't until 11.35 and it was something like 8 A.M. at the time I think. But I couldn't fall asleep again which just made me even more pissed. I went on the laptop for a while, then got up and dressed and left the house. On my way to school I bought a chocolate muffin and coffee since I couldn't be assed to make any breakfast at home. Linda and Joel were sitting in the library, both of them are such sweethearts when you're having a bad day (thank you). The three of us sat there and studied some spanish, later on we had English.
We're working with World Culture Day in English class which is our big project of the year. Linda and I are working with Cuba, Johnny as well, when he gets better :(. We looked at some facts and I taught Linda some cuban salsa :). Our last class is everyones favorite class, LUNCH! At our school we eat lunch at a restaurant, that has a school menu for all the students. I'm not sure who it was but the person in front of me unknowingly (of course) took the last of the good food, some thai chicken thing, all that was left for me was the vegetarian stuff, for those of you who don't know me well enough: I can't eat vegetarian food. I need my meat! When I'm sitting and eating my veggies in sauce, the guys in my class always find it fun to bug me even more when I'm already agitated so they started making up some competition that involved me in some way, it wasn't very tested.....
Oh and believe me it didn't stop there! Walking out of the restaurant I missed a step in the stairs and my foot landed wrong so I halted my way home . . . It's a little better now not swollen or anything but still a little sore. Exactly at this moment I'm laying in the couch in great period cramps, it fucking feels like my vagina is going to fall out. For all you prude people, lay off! that's what it feels like.
I think that's it for now, I'm going take some strong painkillers take a nap and then study some spanish.
There you go John, hope you're happy!
Pictures of happy times to cheer me up:

New Years !

Laugh attack with Linda

Celebrating Linda's new watch , hahahhahaha good times, they whipped out the "champagne" and everything!

Eating some of the best lamb EVER! in London last year. . . not a very flattering picture of me I know but it was soooo good !

Back by the pool in Florida, sooo many hours spent there, blood, sweat, laughs,
barfs and tears of joy and sadness!
Postat av: heheh jag döör xD
Postat av: john hertinge(no1 reader of this blog bitchezzzz)
there is only one way to end that competition kajsa, and you know it.