Still is . . .
Raindrops are still falling outside, they have been all night for all I know. I'm up and alive, have a bit of a headache though, but that's probably just because I haven't eaten anything yet and because I've painted my nails and the smell of nail polish usually gives me a headache. I gave my nails an autumny purple color, why? because it was the first bottle I found.
I have also managed to book train tickets to Stockholm :), I'll be there from the 4-8th of November ! Looking forward to it alot, since I've never really seen Stockholm. I've been to the airport there loads of times, I've also been there on a swiming meet, but then all I saw was the hotel and the pool. The time after that I was there over a night to see Chris Brown live. :)

Me and Nina in our OWN hotel room after Chris Brown, we were so psyched!

Last time I was in Sthlm, coming home from Gran Canaries, hadn't slept
for about 30 hours, probably.....
This time I actually hope to see some of my capital (hrmmmm) city and maybe do some shopping :)
Well I'm going to get some food into my tummy and then update beofre I leave for work!