
Who did you speak with last on the phone? Mami

Who was your latest text message from? Jorgito

Latest song you listened to? Coco

Last thing you ate? Daim

Latest thing you drank? Tea

Latest movie you saw? Coco avant de Chanel

1 out of 2:

Long or short relationships? Long, what would be the point otherwise

Kiss or make-out? Depends on lacation

One nighter or relationship? Relationship, but depends on what guy it is we're talking about

Party or night home with the family? Depends on what parts of the family

Friends or boyfriend? Wouldn't a boyfriend be a friends? so technically both?

Computer of TV? Computer i guess

Finish the sentences:

Latest kiss... was unforgettable.

First time I was drunk... 14 I think, those naiv times.

I want... sushi, pain-meds, bubble-bath, champagne, you here....

Two days ago... I bought my booties !

Tonight I'm going to... treat myself somehow.

Tomorrow... I have a test in economics and I'm going to try to look into gym memberships.

Yes I like this picture, have you given up?



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