Winter Wonderland?
Hey everyone I fell asleep when I got home from school, haha :) but now I'm up and have done some studying for the math-test tomorrow and had dinner. Dad left in a taxi a while ago, I'm not sure where he's going but apparently he'll be drinking, hmmm. I gave myself the luxury of a oven-pizza since I wasn't in the mood for any of the take-out places we have around here.

I did go out to buy some pick&mix candy though, I can't remember the last time I did that, haha and some diet coke of course. So now I'm set for a night home alone (Mom is away on some business conference somewhere in Sweden)
Oh yeah like I said in my previous post it snowed here in Gothenburg today. Not for long, but still, nothing stayed on the ground in the city, but when I got home this is what met my eyes:

I love snow!
Okay yes it might be a little early for snow since all the leaves haven't even fallen yet, but november is a good month for the first snow, I'm such a baby when it comes to snow, winter and christmas! I want a proper white christmas this year :)
I should get back to my studying now,