En la casa
Hey everyone, I'm home and I bought a jacket today ! I know I wasn't supposed to but the salesgirl was really good and it was so nice on and of course it was the last one in my size. So I didn't even have time to think about it! I'm not going to show it to you yet since I want my mom to see it first... She might be paying half of it because it wasn't really the cheapest jacket I could find. God I feel like Rebecka Bloomwood in Confessions of a Shopaholic. But the jacket is incredibly nice, it's exactly what I've been looking for. Hopefully you'll be able to see it tomorrow!

Since I got home I've taken a nap (of course) and fought with my mathbook, factorization is no joke the hardest thing I've done in math. Up until now math has been logical for me, but this just isn't! I guess I'll get hit on the fingers with a ruler by my chinese dictator as a teacher tomorrow (joke).
Now dad (who came home today, and mom left) and I are planning dinner. We haven't figured anything out yet though.....

Lulu habube it is time to come home !