Mm mm mm mmmmm !
Hey everyone I got home from salsa class a while ago. It was a lot of fun we did a bunch of turns so in the end everyone was feeling kind of dizzy, haha :) Mom picked me up and we went to get some sushi take out, Delicous :D !!! We ate that while watching Swedish Idol and after that I did some wardrobe fixings and now I'm sitting here telling you guys what I've done , hehe.

Some pictures from Science class, we're studying DNA and genes . . .

Lecture on the computer about genetics and hitch-hiker thumbs. . .

We also built this DNA molecule. This DNA belongs to Glenn, sadly Glenn
turned out to have cervical cancer. . . and died at the end of class.
(pictures stolen from hannah montana)

Moi before salsa class
Time for a shower !