That's how it is . . .
I'm out of the shower and in bed. Probably not going to sleep for a while though since I don't want to fall asleep with wet hair. At least not this wet....
The question is am I going to be able sleep? The rain is smashing against my window and roof like it wants to break in and soak me once again, am I not clean enough after showering? Now I hear thunder.
I saw the most amazing lightning strike today while I was waiting for the buss on my way home from school. It wasn't just one, it was three or maybe even four that stroke at the same time with huge distance from each other but their ends all met and criss-crossed. It looked like a giant spider web lighting up the whole grey sky, breathtaking I'd say. A lot of people find thunder and lightning storms scary, I think it's beautiful and fascinating. The anger and volume it posses is just enormous, even though the most beautiful thing about it, comes in the end. When you can here the rhythm of raindrops slowing down, getting quieter and slowly disappearing, later the clouds to fall apart and out comes either the sun or stars. That is the most beautiful thing about a thunder storm, when it ends. . .

This is pretty much an average summer night in Florida, where I used to live...
I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow! I'm sick of umbrellas, raincoats and wellies. It's time to get the real fall fashion started. Speaking about fashion tomorrow I'm going pre-shopping. Not shopping, pre-shopping I want to see what the swedish stores have to offer the fall of 2010. Should I do my fall shopping here or in Edinburgh? That is what I'm going to find out tomorrow! :) I'm on the hunt for the perfect quilted jacket, I saw almost the perfect one inside Burberry in London but it was black so it wasn't as tempting at the time but I haven't been able to find any others like that one, so f*ck do I regret not getting that jacket!

I want something in the line like this one,
but not comptley. . .
Hopefully I'll find something good tomorrow :)