Buenos Días !
I'm still alive ! Well I am today atleast, yesterday I don't know about. I woke feeling a bit weird so stayed in bed pretty much until I had to leave for work at four. After starting work though I felt the fever creeping up on me and I got weeker and weeker. . . I made the whole shift though and when I got home I just had a shower and went to bed. Today I feel fine, I think, I starting at two so I better be fine! hahaha the only problem I have today is I have a kind whiskey/I-just-had-sex-voice and my breast are swollen as hell I feel like a G-cup or something, don't know really what to wear. . . . Oh well guess other people have bigger problems !

I guess you understand I can't show really how swollen. . .
But this is how I'm walking around !
