I will survive
Heey everyone I've been sleeping on and off ever since I came home from school, which I think has done me good. I'm still staying home tomorrow though just so that I get better and not stay "half ok", I have to be well for this weekend, I really don't like being home sick during weekends. . .

I'm going to watch a movie now and hopefully fall asleep again :)

Cherry blossoms are so beautiful. . . it's a shame they don't stay like that all summer

Sushi in Vasa parken right by school, delicousness! Best sushi place in Gothenburg
is right by my school

A funny picture from sunday, Philip and I decided to do some wrestling. . . I'm completely
fearless when it's come to those kinds of things, hahahaha. Linda has got a new phone
so she's taking a lot of pictures for the moment which I think is great. Let's just hope it lasts ;)
And to answer Hanna, my Ray Bans are the largest modell of the classic pilot sunnies :)