A Lady never confesses
To tell you about my day I hope wont bore you too much,

I woke up by Linda calling, she was wondering where I was cause she was waiting for me at the centralstation, she missed me and I missed my first class. . . It wasn't anything important though my second class that I made it just in time for, I regreted very soon that I came to. It was science, need I say more? The next class was economy where we had no teacher and did absolutley nothing... Last and final class was English where we discussed a book for half the class and listned to our extremely philosophical and ambitious teacher/professor talk and talk and talk. When school was over Linda and I behaved like real ladies and gossiped to the maximum, about things that will never be discussed by any other than our lips ;) I'm such a blabber mouth, Philip often calls me grotesc in some of my reactions, haha!
Since I got home I've finished a 1000 word essay with the topic being:
How is society affected by being either multi-ethic or homo-genus? and some swedish questions. . .
Oh yeah while stressing out this morning I lost a contact, so I wore my Prada frames to school and five guys commented on me looking like a pornstar in them. All I have to say to you is F*CK you and your manners, but thank you Majid for the "compliment"(?) hahaha :)

Are they really that porn starry?

maybe I should wear these specs to school next time, or what do you say?
Well anyways my plans for tomorrow and the weekend are either school or funeral. . . and then after that Linda's coming over to my place and we're going to get ready for Hannahs birthday bash :) then Linda is crashing at my place and on Saturday I'm working a 10h, should be good though I've missed everyone :)! Sunday hopefully I'll go out driving for a bit, since I think a driverslicnce should be priority for everyone, not having to always depend on public transportation! Less than six weeks to my birthday now :D I know what I'm getting at least a little (a drivers licence, hehehe)

That other half, we come in every order but always together !