Father like Daughter
When my dad finally came home from work aroungd 8 (mom is out of town) none of us felt like eating or ordering take-out. . . for a while we didn't know what to do and then we got the awesome idea to raid the freezer ! After 15 minutes I had some spaghetti bolognese from 2007 I think and dad had some lamb from I don't know hahahaha. I just had a shower and I'm going to try to untangle my hair a bit and let it dry until I jump in the sack with Nicholas Cage in the National Treasure :) I can't wait, he's really good if I remember correctly !

Tomorrow's going to be a long day, I have school until 3.30 P.M. and after that Linda and I are going to the city library to study for our Economy test we have on Thursday, and after thaaat we're preparing for a surprise that I can't tell you about , haha well maybe I can but I'm not going to risk it :)

Good night I think !