I want to . . . :
- Be married and have kids, at least one kid, before I'm 25
- but also be properly educated and have job before that
- have skinnier upper-thighs
- have a flatter belly
- have flawless skin
- have a healthier lifestyle (I'm getting my gym-membership this month!)
- take more dance classes, since dancing is really what I love !
- chocolate to be healthy
- work as a bartender and make millions (at least that's what I want right now)
- do better in school, even though I do fine now
- be a great singer
- become famous, from doing something good
just following what a lot of bloggers have done today (this kind of list). It kind of sets up goals for the future in a way. So now you know, but besides from small things here and there I'm pretty satisfied with myself and my life :)
