I'm getting sick of it !
Gaaaaah I can't believe it! I've sprained my toe and bled all over once again :@ it hurts like hell !! I'm so f*cking sick of these f*cking renovations that never ends in my house, from one room to the next there are always improvements to made bla bla bla ! I don't give a sh*t let's just move to an apartment where they fix that shit for you like in the states. Well anyways this time I'm going to spare you a picture since it's bleeding like twice as much as the last time. . . By the way did I mention it's the exact same toe as last time? that had pretty much just healed and I was finally able to bend it normally and stuff .

For those of you who don't know how I hurt it last time, I hit it on oak floor-planks that were laying right next to our staircase this time on the other hand it was something thicker and half metal.....
I'm in bed now with my foot laying piled up on a bunch of pillows, it hurts sooooo bad and I've already bled through three band-aids. So dear classmates if I don't come to class tomorrow it's because I've died from lack of blood during the night! :)
Shit give me some morphine or something !! and I don't have any shoes for this type of injuries, well I guess I can't leave the house. . . wow that's too bad....
Wow the longest update I've done in a long time, and the context is so fab!

I've been dreaming away to Florida all day, might be cuase it's my best friend Melissa's birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL !! (she lives there) or the fact that longing for a tan and sun.
Was I bit thicker back then or is it just me? this was in march 2010
Good night everyone !