In Bed
I just climbed into bed, I've got a few more little things I need to do nothing huge just some papers to be filled in and such. I now more or less feel ready for the big final Economy test I have tomorrow. I spent a couple of hours reading through the text and doing exercises and realizing that I knew most of it which felt good ! :) Speaking about tomorrow... my boss called a hour ago and asked if I can work tomorrow night and since I have a sleep-in on Friday I couldn't see why not :) Apparently he had just gotten a booking that he wanted me to take care of, should be good. I'm already saving up on next months salary so feels good to start early and just pile the money , hehe
I've gotten a few questions on why I write my blog in English since I'm Swedish. 1. I started school in the States and find it waay easier to read and write in English. 2. I go to an International school so it just makes things easier. Especially for my readers that don't speak Swedish ;)

Well I guess I should get to my stuff !

I love feeling and hearing the sound you make when you breathe . . .
. . . and that last deep breathe you take before you fall asleep, it's beautiful