Busy girl . . . ( I managed to fall asleep before updating. . . )
I feel like I'm starting to become one of those bloggers who only update every other day if even that, and I don't like it! I'm just keeping really busy and enjoying the summer :)

Especially this week, since it's been the last week before my parents vacation so I've been trying to do things with them before they leave for 5 weeks. It's going to be sooo nice having the house to myself!! But I also have to do aaaall the chores and shit on my own now . . .
I'm going to try to do better , I promise! Last I updated was my about wednesday and the very busy day I had, but it was all worth it and I had so much fun :D woke up at a friends place on the thursday and it was pouring down outside so we staid in until are stomaches were growling at each other and we went out for breakfast at like 4 P.M. haha when I got home mom and I went grocery shopping and I did my best to fill the house with food that I can cook/heat up in the microwave or oven, haha. Today I've just worked and had dinner with mom and dad.
Woooow this has turned out to be a boring update..... and I don't have any pictures to show you :( give me a kick in the ass so I'll get better !
