Marstrand here I come !
The plans Linda and I made today were about going to marstrand ! We are going tomorrow (technically today) we're only spending the day there but it is going to be a long one :) full of sun, sea, sailing and good food & drinks ! I'm really excited I haven't been there this year yet. We were supposed to take our sailboat but the winds are coming from the complete wrong direction so bus and ferry it is. It's going to be packed !

I should probably go to sleep seeing as I need to get up at like eight !
I hope everyone is enjoying these summer days as much as I am :)

The picture is from when I was in Marstrand two years ago with Felicia, good times!
I miss real hardcore sailing, this is me in 2008 racing Gratia in
the Norcis Seglats

scraping the hull. . .

and about to climb the rigg !
That was a quick trip down memory lane, now good night !