Doings of June 20th

What have I done today? I got up and ordered take-out cause I'm so damn rich and lazy, next I talked to a person I hadn't talked in a long while, it felt like licking forbidden fruit. Later on I talked some shit and spilled a little of my f*cked little heart out as well as I got a tan whilst the sky was cloudy? I had spaghetti for dinner and on TV I saw a gang member be killed in  way I've never anyone be killed before (something to keep in mind for future boyfriends/exes/assholes, haha) That pretty much sums up my day, what did you do?

This summer with my game face on,

I'm going to drink rosé like it's fucking water,
I'm gonna take a shot for every man who wants my number.
I'm going to wear my shortshort torn off shorts and push my boobs up
and shake all I have to shake !

This summer I'm going to run naked in the streets if I want

This summer is mine and I'm going to do what I want, got it?!

Now I'm in bed and I'm going to watch my beloved new TV and do other essential  girls stuff!

How beautiful

Nighty night :)


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