Just to inform y'all
I'm not dead ! just f*cking half way there, naah it's not that bad anymore but it has been. I woke with a fever yesterday and thought I could deal with it so I went to school stayed for an hour and then tumbled my way home. Yesterday night I had a 40C fever and thought I was going to die pretty much everything in my whole body ached. Today I've only been out of bed twice to go to the bathroom, I am feeling a bit better though, but I can't eat. I can never eat when I'm sick so I always loose a bunch of weight but not in the places I want...... This sucks I called in sick at work for my shift tomorrow, hopefully I can work saturday!
The beat-up look of today...
I'm pretty low on life for the moment but don't you worry loved ones I'll be back enjoying it in no time !