I enjoy long walks and cozy nights in front of the fireplace
Heeey, everyonesorry for not updating earlier but I felt I needed to sleep when I got home from school. Did not sleep too well last night, in fact I'm not sure I slept at all. . .

After school Linda and I went for lunch went to our favorite thai-schack, yummi! and ate out in the sun :) spring is really on its way!! When I got home I fell asleep pretty much directly, and slept for about 3 hours and woke up with three missed calls and two texts, I love waking up like someone has missed me, hahaha. Anyways, two of the calls and one text was from my angel Nina, she wanted to go for a walk! We went for a looong walk, Nina, her little heart-breaker on a leash Miguel and I :) We talked a whole bunch of shit, gossiped and talked about the future. The future being this summer and 10 years from now, I'll be married with a bunch of kids and she'll be the cool auntie , hahahaha
I'm sorry I haven't taken any pictures, but haven't really been in the mood though . . . I'll try tomorrow since I got new batteries for my camera today ! :)
Here's a bunch of pictures of me and Nina instead, a trip down memory lane :

2007, ladies and gentlemen



2008 , Back in the day !

a year later. . .

another year later :)

cozy night in, this christmas . . .

the love child
I'm sorry Nina but facebook can wake some memories ;)