Shame on me, shame on you
Heey everyone I'm home from work, for once I actually made it home in between school and work, but I decided I needed a power nap so I didn't really have time to update :( But I did take a picture of my outfit ;)

Well so now I'm in bed about to go to sleep, I have a full day planned for tomorrow. I'm going to go and get my nails done at one, but before that I need to go to the money exhchange place and get me some Euro's ;D. I'm doing acrylic nails so that's going to take a few hours and then Linda and I are going to meet up for a late lunch, proably at work :) and then I need to go home and pack. It feels like I've been packing so much lately that I loathe it, I really don't want to, it's soooo boring :( then again unpacking is worse. That's why I rarely unpack, hahaha. Besides packing I need to prep myself so I can look as gorgeous as possible for all the hot Italian hunks ;)
Anyways here is what I looked like today !

The t-shirt kind of set my mood ;)

check out my eye !