The day . . .
was a good day !

After waking up and getting ourselves fixed Linda and I went into town for some shopping and "fika" :) I bought my birthday dress :D I'm wearing it for the big party me and my mom are having together ! it's only four week until my birthday, I can't wait :) I also bought another really casual dress. I haven't taken any pictures yet though, hopefully I'll do it tomorrow. Don't know it I want to show you the birthday dress just yet though ;) After a while Linda went back home and I went to work to eat with the girls there and then start my shift.
Work was crazy, we were showing two hockey matches in the sports bar on the 4th floor and the Champions League game in the restaurant (2nd floor, kitchens on 1st), so there has been a lot of stair climbing today. Had to take over the expo for a while as well, it was completely insane!
I also found out that we're going to Sicily with my Art & Design class :D, not Paris as we were hoping but Sicily is much warmer this time of the year :) so 27th-31st I'll be in ITALIA !!!!! suck on that ;)
(I didn't takeanypictures today, shame on me I know)

Looks kind of nice doesn't it ? ;)

The rumor has that these hot men come crawling through the rocks at night ;)