I'm starting over . . .

It has taken me today to realize that I need a new start. All of you might not understand, but I feel like I need to start a new chapter in my life.

This is what I'm going to do:

  • Do school like it should be done, the last month of it
  • Find a new man that appreciates me, doesn't use me, a man that doesn't feel he needs to prove himself or finds it "difficult" to date me
  • Enjoy summer to the fullest and do exactly as I feel!

I need this for some closure of my "last chapter". . .

This might come a bit suddenly for some of you, but damn it's been messing with my mind waaay too long!

So this is me starting over, I guess.

Looking back at old pictures this is the last time I was genuinely happy . . .
I might be thicker and it aint a great picture, but the feeling inside sure is

Last day of school 2009 got enjoy half the summer before the misouri began...
It was a damn good half I must say!

Don't get me wrong all my loved ones I have still had good times with all
you just dealt with issues on the inside, that I feel it is now time to let go of!



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