Shame on me, shame on you
Sorry , bla blabla bla blaaaaa. . . .

The last two days have been insane! Exams in school and then going to straight to work after school. There's not much time to spend on my beloved laptop with that schedule. Now I'm home from a good night at work, the two previous night have been at least twice as intense and crazy!
Tomorrow I'm not working at Hard Rock and school is open for us to be able to study for our final exam in math, so Linda and I are going there for a few hours and later on we're going to work. It's just a one time thing I believe, but it should be fun working with Linda and the pay will be good ;) and then we're coming back here home and having a party for two since I the house to myself once again . . .
I should probably go to sleep as I am getting up at 9-ish tomorrow, but I'm hungry :( it suck being on a no-solid-food-after-5P.M.-diet and working late ;)

Damn it, good night !
Postat av: k&a
Jätte fin klänning, vart kommer den ifrån :) ?