The weekend and today !
Sorry for terrible update, but we didn't get home until late last night and then I of course overslept this morning as well ! hehe

Here are a few pictures from this weekend :

The oh so normal Hellman family.... nooot

Me and my dear sister eating some really shitty d'oeuvres, hahaha

For the formal dinner my sister wore Ralph Lauren, I represented with
some true swedish desgins from Acne, of course ;) and my sisters boyfriend
Martin wore Hugo Boss, cause he thinks he's the Boss , hahaha.

Lovely appetizer! Skagen toast , yummi :) and of course I forgot to take
pictures of the other courses, haha.

Me during dinner
Today in school we had to decide on what project we want to for next year and Linda and I decided to do a Traveller's guide for students! We're going to travel to atleast one or two places in Europe and make a kind handbook for people our age :)
Didn't take any other pictures than what we had for lunch , haha , so here it is !

A shrimp and crayfishtail sallad, it was really good ! :)
Now I'm going to relax and enjoy that I don't have any school work to do for tomorrow :D